Exodus: A Journey to the Promised Land || Crossing Through
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
"The exodus is a powerful symbol that the present situation does not define what is possible for God."
—Terence E. Fretheim
Our journey through the book of Exodus continues this Sunday with one of the more familiar stories in the entire Old Testament. It is a scene many of us have seen when Charlton Heston raised his hand in the 1956 film, "The Ten Commandments," and the Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground. Was it a miraculous event? Or did a strong wind blow the waters, drying the ground in ways similar to what happens on an ocean's shore when the tide is low? Scholars cannot locate any of the places mentioned in the text. However, the story can lead us to wonder how God intervened in history, leading people from slavery to freedom. Join us on Sunday as we ponder how God might be working to do the same today. Where are the waters of new creation churning around us? How can we place our fear aside as we step into the waters of faith, crossing through so others might do the same?