[Re]Connection: The Best of Being Alive || Thank You for Asking: Disconnected from Childhood Trauma

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Julie Hagen || Candidate for Ministry

Matthew 11:25-30 & Jeremiah 9:17-20

We are reminded daily of the pain and suffering in the world. Each time we try to confront one of these big traumas—disease, war, poverty, racism—we run the risk of unearthing something painful in our own lives. When you are the one who is traumatized, you may not even have the words to express what happened to you. Our current series, based on the book, Lost Connections, continues on Sunday with how sealing off a part of yourself because you are ashamed can poison your life. What if reconnecting with childhood trauma and bravely naming your pain to someone who cares can transform you?

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