[Re]Connection: The Best of Being Alive || Authentic Welcome: Disconnected from Status and Respect

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor

Matthew 10:40-42 & Psalm 13:1-6

Baboons live in a structure of hierarchy with an alpha male always at the top. The alpha male can do whatever he wants whether it’s using someone’s partner, pushing others out of the shade so he can sit under the tree, or taking someone’s food. While the alpha male may appear to have it all, he's regularly anxious and depressed by the efforts required to stay at the top. Meanwhile, another group of baboons know they will never be at the top. Rather than continuing to try, they appear defeated with their heads hung low. What if we have more in common with baboons than we care to admit? How might we dismantle hierarchies and create a society where everyone experiences status and respect--not only for the common good--but for the emotional health of the entire community? Our current series, based on the book, Lost Connections, continues on Sunday with how being disconnected from status and respect impacts our mental health and what we can to do change it.

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