Ready || The First Sunday of Advent || Ready.
Sunday, November 27, 2022 || 11:00am
Many of us have mastered the art of readying ourselves for the holiday known as Christmas. Travel plans are made. Gifts are purchased. Cookies are baked. Candles are lit. Trees are decorated. But what would it look like to ready ourselves to receive Christ, whose birth we celebrate and whose return we anticipate, as if for the first time? How might we be made ready to make real the radical vision found on the pages of scripture, much of it first prophesied by Isaiah and presented as possible in the birth and life of Jesus? What if we are called to not simply tinker around the edges of the Christmas story but immerse ourselves in the mission and ministry of Jesus who turned the world upside down?
Join us this this morning as our Advent series, Ready, begins with an invitation from Jesus to do just that.