Consecration Sunday || Membership Transfer
Sunday, November 20, 2022 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
This Sunday is the final Sunday in the liturgical year and is known as "Christ the King Sunday." The assigned texts are designed to help readers ponder the power of Christ and the role he plays over all of creation.
The writer of Colossians suggests that our citizenship has been transferred from this realm into the kingdom of God. What might such a transfer entail? How might we live if we really believed Jesus is Lord of all—and allowed him to be first in our lives?
Today is also Consecration Sunday. Consecration means to dedicate to a higher purpose or to make holy. Together, we will ponder our dream for MVP and what role we are willing to play for this dream to become a reality. We will then offer our intentions to God—the time, talent, and financial resources we plan to offer God through the mission and ministry of MVP in 2023. You may make a financial estimate of giving or pledge HERE. Commitment cards for how to offer time and talent will be distributed at the Ministry Fair.