Lessons in Liberation || Look for Manna
Sunday, September 24, 2023 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
The Israelites have left Egypt and are now wandering through the Sinai Peninsula on their way to the Promised Land. While God has met their every need, they quickly forget when a need is before them, allow anxiety to creep in, and grumble before articulating aloud how it would have been better for them to die as slaves in Egypt than be faced with hunger in the wilderness. How often do we do the same thing? We know God to be faithful. And yet, when something does not turn out the way we hoped it would, when the route is not straightforward, or when there is not enough, we grumble and ask where God is. What if we instead sought to see God’s presence and power all around us—in the ordinary, mundane aspects of everyday life? What if the miracle of manna continues to fall every single day? Join us this morning as our series, “Lessons in Liberation,” continues with our keeping our eyes open for bread from heaven today.