Lessons in Liberation || Despite the Odds
Sunday, September 17, 2023 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
“Belonging is the capacity to see the humanity in those that are not like us and to recognize that the same elements that exist within them also exist within us. It means that we have to see the humanity in others, even if they refuse to see the same in us. Yeah, belonging is really hard work, and the capacity to see the humanity in those that are not like us is perhaps one of the most powerful practices we need to cultivate. It is a way of constructing an imagined connection, a kinship, an identity that allows us to make sense of the world that is both real and imagined. But it requires that we see the myth in us versus them.”
-Shawn A. Ginwright, The Four Pivots,
Join us this week as journey with the Israelites across the Red Sea before the Egyptians all drown. Is their death really a cause for celebration? How might Jesus invite us to respond to the death of an enemy?