The Hardest Questions for Life || Who Am I? God Says, "Ask…"
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Julie Hagen || Candidate for Ministry
Many things have been turned upside down since 2020 began. A global pandemic has forced us to live and do life differently from how we work to how we educate our children. The senseless loss of black lives to police violence has brought forth much needed calls for racial justice and systemic change. The rapidly changing landscape in which we find ourselves has produced many thoughts and conversations about who we are and what we’re called to do with our one precious life, while also inviting us to ponder justice and our own mortality. What if answering the self-awakening questions emerging within and around us can lead to life? Inspired by Gregory Ellison’s Fearless Dialogues, join us this summer as we ponder the hardest questions in life.
In this week’s scripture, God meets Solomon in a dream and invites him to ask a question. Solomon’s request wasn’t for money or power. He asked for the ability to listen with his heart. Join us this Sunday to learn how listening with our hearts can help us discover who we are.