Post-Traumatic Growth: Lessons from the Pandemic || How to Handle Fear
The Chapman University survey of fears provides an in depth look of the greatest fears facing Americans. While the top ten fears fluctuate somewhat each year, two fears are almost always included: people I love becoming seriously ill and people I love dying. In the last 15 months, we have all been forced to face these two fears while also being afraid that we would become seriously ill. How well have you managed your fear? What tools do you pull out when you need to experience peace? Has your experience of God's presence deepened or been doubted this year? In our text, the disciples find themselves in the middle of a massive storm with Jesus asleep at the stern. Their initial response is to grow angry with him. But Jesus offers exactly what they need before asking, "Why are you afraid?" What if we could emerge from this pandemic with a greater capacity to handle fear as we remind ourselves that we are truly never alone? Join us as our series, "Lessons from the Pandemic" continues with "How to Handle Fear."