Post-Traumatic Growth: Lessons from the Pandemic || Savor the Small Things
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
In his incredible May 24 commencement address to the 2021 Boston College Class, New York Times columnist David Brooks reflected on some of the lessons he has learned during the pandemic. "I don't know about you," Brooks told the graduating class, "but I am gong to try to be the world's best appreciator. I'm going to try to deeply appreciate all the things I took for granted. All the things that didn't seem fun are suddenly going to seem fun: Not being able to catch the bartender's attention because the bar is packed. that will seem fun!...Going to weddings will be fun, even when we think the couple is making a mistake." What have you learned to see in a different light or appreciate more deeply as a result of the last 14 months? In particular, what small, previously insignificant thing has taken on new meaning? Join us on Sunday as our series, "Lessons from the Pandemic" continues with an invitation to ponder the power of small things as we learn again how Jesus can use something as small as a mustard seed to touch and transform lives.