Taking God Seriously: Lessons from Archbishop Tutu || Live the Alternative
Sunday, February 6, 2022 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
“The life of Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been defined by politics and history. In another time and in another place he may have been no more remarkable than a much loved pastor of the people. But his time dictated otherwise. And he responded as a moral light that challenged not only the darkness created by the state but the darkness that enveloped his people. He was their voice and their conscience—as well as the conscience of those who oppressed them.”
- Mike Nicol, Believe: The Words and Inspiration of Desmond Tutu
How do we respond when given an opportunity to be a moral light that challenges the darkness of oppression around us?
How do we not give up even if we have little to show for our work?
How do we live the alternative, offering a visual aid of how things can be different to those who cannot yet imagine such an alternative?