Still || Still!
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
In a December 2019 conversation published in the Washington Post, Sarah Bailey asked New Testament scholar N.T. Wright, "What makes you most hopeful about modern Christianity right now?" Wright reportedly responded, "When the world is in serious pain, you will find Christians acting out The Sermon on the Mount. That's why the gospel spread in the first place, with ordinary Christians doing the ordinary Christian things. It transforms society [and] is much more than any number of appointments to the Supreme Court."
How are we acting out the gospel today? How might we take the next step of repentance and "bear fruit" that has the power to touch and heal our lives, our city, and our world?
Join us this Sunday as we light the Advent Candle of Joy and continue to anticipate the arrival of Christ who has come and is coming again.