What If...? || What if God is Still Calling All Kinds of People?
Sunday, June 2, 2024 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
Walking on water. Giving sight to the blind. Parting a sea. Many of the stories in the Bible can appear too good to be true. But what if God is still actively at work in our lives and the world around us, calling us by name, and inviting us to live into a reality that is more wondrous than what we currently see or believe?
Join us this morning as we examine the story of the call of Samuel, a young boy who might have been considered one of the least likely individuals to be beckoned to speak truth to power on behalf of God. Together we will ponder how God might still be persistently calling and equipping all kinds of people to make God's dream for the world a reality today.