Searching For Something? || Searching for Intimacy
Writer and psychotherapist Amy Bloom suggests that "Intimacy is being seen and known as the person you truly are." While this reality may be liberating for some, it is terrifying for others as there is no guarantee that the person who sees and knows us for who we truly are will like, let alone love, what they see. It's rather miraculous, then, that a person or group of individuals could see the fullness of who we are and want to be with and love us in spite of (or because of!) it all. This love and acceptance are things we need, crave, and often go seeking. This love and acceptance are also at the very heart of God, a reality we will explore on this Pentecost Sunday as we examine and seek to embrace Jesus' promise to be with us always through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Join us this morning as we welcome Pastor Donna back from her extended time off and celebrate the miracle of Pentecost.