Lessons in Liberation || Don't Miss the Miracle
“An important distinction must be made: liberation and freedom are not the same. Liberation is a process. Freedom is a temporary state of being. Liberation is dynamic. It never ends.” –emilie townes
In his book, The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves, Shawn Ginwright suggests that the most important question we need to ask ourselves is “How do I have to be as a human being for someone else to be free?” We regularly read the book of Exodus as a narrative of God’s faithfulness to Israel, a faithfulness that enabled God’s chosen people to be set free from bondage. What if we instead sought to mine this text for lessons in liberation today—lessons that may challenge some of our previously held beliefs or understandings while calling us to embody deeper levels of compassion and faithfulness?
Join us this morning as our series "Lessons in Liberation" begins!