Embracing Rest || The Great Equalizer: Rest is Resistance
Sunday, August 20, 2023 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
What would your life look or feel like if you were well-rested?
What would it take for you to secure rest and restoration for all people?
The first question is significantly easier to answer. We regularly imagine that rest is for our benefit while seeking to embrace it as a gift. But the fourth commandment is actually a great equalizer as God clearly states that all people shall rest—including male and female slaves. How then might we approach rest as an act of resistance—not only for us as individuals who step outside of a culture of grind but also against systems that enable one person to rest at the expense of another's exhaustion? What would it take for us to ensure that the gift of rest extends to the entire community of life—including the land itself?
Join us this morning as our series on "Embracing Rest" concludes with "Rest is Resistance."