Genesis: Let's Start at the Very Beginning || Hopes & Dreams
Sunday, July 23, 2023 || 11:00am
Min. Lee J. Schriber || Minister of Engagement & Discipleship
This week in Genesis, we pick up the story of Jacob, the younger son of Isaac and Rebekah, who encounters the divine in a dream which renews his hope for the promise of blessing from God that began with Abraham. This Sunday, we will be invited to remember that we are a part of the family of God as God's beloved children led by the Holy Spirit and inheritors of this promised blessing. The same Spirit which inspires our hopes and dreams and leads us to proclaim that "surely the presence of the LORD is in this place!"
Join us as our journey through Genesis concludes with "Hopes and Dreams" and we ponder how we might faithfully respond to our dreams and unexpected encounters with the divine with sustaining hope.