Genesis: Let's Start at the Very Beginning || Go!
Sunday, June 11, 2023 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
Last week we heard the first call in scripture as God summoned creation into being, bringing order and harmony from chaos. This weekend we will hear the second call in scripture—a call for a hopeless, barren community to pilgrimage toward a future filled with hope. It is a call that requires people to exchange familiarity for unfamiliarity and the known for the unknown as people trust God’s word and claim God’s promises.
Walter Brueggemann notes how “to stay in safety is to remain barren; to leave in risk is to have hope.”
Where might God be calling us to embrace hope by taking faithful risks today? What might God be beckoning us to leave behind in order to go into a future filled with new, abundant life? Join us on Sunday as our series, “In the Beginning,” continues with the invitation to “Go!” We will also celebrate the sacrament of baptism and proclaim how all are beloved children of God.