Oh the Places We Go || Places We Go When It's Beyond Us
Sunday, April 24, 2022 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
“Without understanding how our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors work together, it’s almost impossible to find our way back to ourselves and each other. When we don’t understand how our emotions shape our thoughts and decisions, we become disembodied from our own experiences and disconnected from other.”
-Brené Brown, Atlas of the Heart
How well do you know your feelings? What about the sources of your joy, pain, or insecurities? Are you aware of how your emotions influence what you say and sometimes do? You are invited to join us this spring as we explore some of our deepest emotions, examine how some of them appear in scripture, and ponder how Jesus might respond or accompany us to all the places we go.
We begin on Sunday with the emotions of wonder and awe, both of which are essential to our experience as humans. Ulrich Weger and Johannes Wagemann explain, “’Wonder inspires the wish to understand; awe inspires the wish to let it shine.’” While many of the disciples responded to the resurrected Jesus with awe as he stood in their midst, Thomas approached the unexpected turn of events with wonder. He needed to understand. How might we approach the resurrection with wonder, allowing this awe-inducing event to lead us to personal change and growth?
Join us on Sunday as our series, "Oh the Place We Go!" begins with Places We Go When It's Beyond Us.