How Does A Weary World Rejoice? || We Follow A Star
Sunday, January 5, 2024 || 11:00am
Grace Rogers || Howard & Mary Martin Ministry Intern
Who or what do you follow? Who or what most influences the choices you make? Who or what do you allow to be part of your discernment when you are making a big decision?
This Sunday is Epiphany Sunday, the day on which we read about wise people from the east who are seeking to find the child "who has been born king of the Jews." They follow a star to Jerusalem and then need the help of prophets to lead them to Bethlehem where they present gifts to Jesus before going home another way.
Join us this Sunday to start the New Year in worship where we will also receive the sacrament of Holy Communion and be invited to select a "star word" on which to focus throughout 2025.