Bent For Lent || A Good and Joyful Thing!
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
What is good and joyful in your life? We could easily come up with a long list of responses to this question as we ponder all that sparks joy in our lives: tulips pushing through the hard ground, announcing the arrival of spring, a date that has the power to place butterflies in the pit of our stomachs, or finding bottles of Purell hand sanitizer in stock at CVS. But when we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion, we proclaim together that it is "a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere, to give thanks" to God. Giving thanks sparks joy! Join us on Sunday as our Lenten series, "Bent for Lent," continues with the power and importance of expressing our thanksgiving to God at all times. It's going to be a beautiful third Sunday of Lent. Plus, we're receiving new members! We will have our jazz hands ready to greet you and cannot wait to gather in community with you as we offer our corporate thanks to God.