Lessons From the Abbey || Worshipful Work
Sunday, July 21, 2024 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
St. Columba arrived on the tiny island of Iona, Scotland, in 563 AD, and it’s been a vibrant place of worship ever since with hundreds of pilgrims still making the long journey to immerse themselves in community, worship, and work. God speaks clearly on Iona—sometimes in the most unexpected ways—with lessons for how we might live more fully and faithfully today, ways we are exploring in our summer worship series, "Lessons from the Abbey."
This weekend, our sermon focuses on how God shows up in our work—the work we are paid to do, the ordinary tasks we must do, and the places where we offer our gifts in hopes of making a difference to others.
Lee Hardy writes, “…through work we realize ourselves as image-bearers of God; through work we participate in God’s ongoing creative activity; through work we follow Christ in his example of redemptive suffering for the sake of others; through work we serve God himself as we serve those with whom he identifies.”
How might we apply this wisdom to all of our work—tasks big and small, paid and unpaid, seemingly significant and those often deemed insignificant?