A Balanced Life || Produce
Sunday, September 1, 2024 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
The rewards of a balanced life are many—psychological, physical, social, and spiritual. While achieving a life in which peace and wholeness prevail can be a balancing act in and of itself, such a life is possible with discipline and intentionality. Join us as we conclude the summer by examining four practices that all contribute to A Balanced Life.
Our series concludes on this weekend, Labor Day Weekend, with an opportunity to reexamine how we work, and how our work impacts others. Together we will study the original call of Moses, revisit John Wesley's instructions for gaining all we can, learn something about the origin of Labor Day, and ponder how we might work in more faithful ways while also seeking to also honor the worth and dignity of all who work alongside us.