Sensing God || Listening For God
Sunday, February 25, 2024 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
Where is God? If God is real, then why can’t I see or hear God? How can I cultivate a relationship with God if I have no idea how to experience God?
While many questions in life have binary answers, little about faith is clear and concise. But what if God is not only Emmanuel, God with us, but also one who can be experienced through ordinary means each day? In her book, Life in Five Senses, Gretchen Rubin writes, “Because I noticed more, I appreciated more.” What if the same can be said of our faith and God’s movement in our lives?
This week we will ponder the sense of hearing as it relates to our faith. “Our hearing anchors us in the world; it tells us what’s happening behind us, above us, in the dark, and before we’re born,” writes Gretchen Rubin. And yet, we are not very good at truly listening to the sounds that fill the air, let alone the words coming forth from the mouths of colleagues, friends, and family members. How might we cultivate the capacity to truly hear one another in a way that anchors our ears to also hear God?