Punching Holes in the Dark || Punching Holes in the Darkness of Temptation
Sunday, February 26, 2023 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
When writer Robert Louis Stevenson “was a young boy growing up in Edinburgh, Scotland, he would often watch the village lamplighter making his rounds, lighting each of the street lamps one by one. Supposedly Stevenson once said, ‘Look, there is a man who punches holes in the darkness.’”
-Paul Wadell, Becoming Friends
This Lent, we will seek to embrace our role as companions in hope by punch holes in the dark. Our series starts this morning with a look at sin, temptation, and shame. We'll seek to punch holes in all three and prayerfully walk away with a sense of profound grace and mercy.