Maximum Results From the Inside Out: Lessons for the Heart || Base Pace: Challenging But Doable
Sunday, October 9, 2022 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
In the group workout that is inspiring this journey, base pace is “a challenging but doable pace” on the treadmill. It is a pace that increases one’s heart rate while leaving room for significant more growth. This pace lays the foundation for all that is to come and pushes us to grow by giving more of ourselves to the experience.
What might base pace entail in our journeys of faith?
Join us this morning as we ponder the witness of ten people living with leprosy—people who were pushed to the outskirts of society and rarely included—and yet had the capacity to recognize Jesus. What if our simply seeking to see and recognize Jesus at work in our lives and in the world us is one of the most foundational aspects of our faith?