Living Simplicity || Eat Together
Sunday, April 23, 2023 || 11:00am
Rev. Charles Anderson-Gray
“It is overwhelming just to exist right now.”
“Pandemic broke open many things in many different ways. Everything that felt permanent now feels temporal.”
The last three years have brought about significant amounts of trauma, deeply destressing or disturbing experiences, and new learnings in the lives of individuals and communities. As we continue to emerge from all we have experienced, how might we lean into what nurtures life within us? How might we actively transition from a posture of “fight or flight” to one of “rest and digest?”
Our text this Sunday is a familiar story typically known as "The Road to Emmaus," one in which Jesus is recognized through the breaking of the bread. Please join us as we ponder how the simple practice of eating together can bring about hope, healing, and new life here and now.