Becoming...The Church God is Calling Us To Be || A Place For All: Embodying Inclusive and Authentic Christian Community
Sunday, October 15, 2023 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
What is our current reality? What is our vision for the future? What resources do we need to make this vision a reality? How can we make the biggest impact on the lives of those who call MVP their church home, people who visit once or twice a year, and our neighbors near and far? These are some of the many questions our leadership team has been discerning with a coach since the start of this year. We are now eager to live into our core values and make God’s dream for this unique community of faith a reality.
In the coming weeks, our sermons will be inspired by our three core values and our new vision of imagining a world in which every person knows they are beloved in a way that changes everything. Join us this week as we ponder what it might look like for us to fully embody inclusive and authentic Christian community in all that we do, leaning into the invitation to always be clothed with Christ.