Genesis: Let's Start at the Very Beginning || When the Water Runs Out
Sunday, June 25, 2023 || 11:00am
Min. Lee J. Schriber || Minister of Engagement & Discipleship
On the heels of the miraculous birth of Isaac to Sarah and Abraham, in this week's passage family tensions rise and Hagar finds herself back in the wilderness, this time with her son Ishmael and running out of water. In the midst of tears and despair, we once again hear a reminder that God is One who keeps their promises and we will be called to wonder about how God responds when the water runs out.
How do you respond when you feel like you have run out of water in the wilderness? When everything seems lost, and you are ready to give up how might your faith sustain you?
Join us this morning as we ponder how our tears call God into action and remember that God is one who sees and hears.