Palm Sunday || Punching Holes in the Dark || Punching Holes in the Darkness of Imperial Power
Sunday, April 2, 2023 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
Holy Week begins on this MORNING as we remember Jesus arriving in the city of Jerusalem, the place where he has told his disciples he will be mocked, flogged, and crucified. While "the crowds" cheered him on, "the entire city" was in turmoil as people inquired about the person who came riding in on the back of a donkey and a colt. The entrance is what Stanley Hauerwas calls "an unmistakable political act." The entrance symbolizes the clash of two very different kinds of power. One is marked by humility, non-violence, and compassion for all. The other is marked by dominance, weapons, and wealth for a select few. What side would you have chosen if you were in Jerusalem that day? What side have you chosen today? While it might be easy to shout "Hosanna" at the start of the week, are we willing to pay the price that comes with following Jesus all the way to the cross?