I Believe Even When || Traditional Christmas Eve || We Believe Even Now!
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
God so loved the world that God gave us a Son, Emmanuel, God with us—through Mary—in a place that was nothing like what she imagined when an angel told her she was with child. Just as Mary’s body was broken to give birth to Jesus, so Jesus’ body was broken so that we might have life—life abundant and life without end. And if God is with us, then God knows our pain—all the pain we have experienced this year—our loneliness, our grief, our anger, our resentment, our sadness, our profound sense of loss, our despair. But tonight, in the midst of this pain, imagine God looking on you in love and saying, “Is my child okay? Are they breathing? Do they know I am here? Do they understand that I will do anything to be with them, including being born amid extraordinary adversity? Please remind them they are never alone.”