The Substance of Our Faith: Mochi and the Trinity || Jesus: Gather, Grow, and Go
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Yoshiya Kuramoto || Howard and Mary Martin Ministry Intern
The belief in the Holy Trinity—God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit—is one of the core principles of Christian faith. The Nicene Creed affirms that the Holy Trinity is made of one substance and that each form of the Trinity share in this sameness, yet we also know that each part of the Holy Trinity is unique. Join us for our new 3-week sermon series as we explore each character of the Holy Trinity, the story of Pentecost, the substance of our faith, and the ancient Japanese practice of Mochi-making as we learn more about preparation, creation, community, connection, celebration, and transformation. This week, we will explore who Jesus is, the traditional practice of mochitsuki, and the way that Jesus gathers community to grow and go.