Lessons from Luke || Declare What God Has Done For You
Sunday, June 19, 2022 || 11:00am
Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor
Jesus is on the move throughout the gospel of Luke—casting out demons, calling people to leave everything and follow him, teaching people how to pray, and describing what a life of seeking to faithfully follow him entails. You are invited to join us this summer as we study several lessons from Luke and rediscover how we might go deeper in our desire to faithfully follow Jesus as individuals and as a congregation.
We begin this morning by examining a complex healing story and pondering together what it might mean to be seized—by an unclean spirit or demon, by fear, and, ultimately, by a great affection. What do we do when God has made us well—when we have been set free? And what role do we play in ensuring others are set free from all that holds them captive? We will also remember Father’s Day and Juneteenth. See you at 11am!
Join us this morning as our series, "Lessons From Luke" begins with Declare What God Has Done For You.