Everything In Between || Faith & Works || The Second Sunday in Lent

Sunday, March 16, 2025 || 11:00am

Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor

Luke 10:38-42

During this sacred season of Lent, you are invited to step beyond the black-and-white binaries we are prone to create and instead look for God in the complexity of life’s polarities. Jesus’ ministry consistently challenged societal divisions as he called a stigmatized Samaritan a good neighbor, valued one lost sheep out of 100, and extended grace to a criminal on the cross. These “extreme” words and actions were meant to disrupt cultural, political, and religious divides, revealing the radical, all-inclusive love of God that still speaks to the divides we experience in our families, churches, and communities today.

This Sunday, we tackle the binary of faith and works as we study another familiar text that is found only in the gospel of Luke. While we may have been tempted to believe that we are either a Mary or a Martha—always with a need to be more like Mary—both devotion to Jesus that leads to spiritual depth and ministry that provides generous hospitality to guests are always needed and good.

Join us for worship on the second Sunday in Lent as we ponder the power of Faith and Works. 

Lee Schriber