Switch: The Power of Changing When Change is Hard || To Redefining Power

Sunday, February 9, 2025 || 11:00am

Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor

Luke 7:1-17

In their book Switch: How to Change When Change is Hard, authors Chip Heath and Dan Heath suggest that people do not resist change because of a lack of understanding. People resist change because they are afraid of what it will cost them. This winter, we are exploring passages in which switches in posture, understanding, proximity, and power produce transformation that fills some people with fear and others with delight.

This Sunday's Gospel lesson includes two miracle stories: the healing of a centurion's slave and the raising of a widow's only son. While the two stories highlight Jesus' power to heal, they also reveal the limited power of the Empire and the unlimited power of compassion in ways that can bring abundant hope for the facing of these days.

Join us this morning as we continue our journey through the Gospel of Luke, sing songs of praise, pray together for the needs within and around us, and experience the gift of authentic, inclusive community.

Lee Schriber