Switch: The Power of Changing When Change is Hard || The Courage to Change

Sunday, January 26, 2025 || 11:00am

Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol || Pastor

Psalm 90:14-17 & Luke 5:1-11

In their book Switch: How to Change Things when Change is Hard, authors Chip Heath and Dan Heath suggest that people do not resist change because of a lack of understanding. People resist change because they are afraid of what it will cost them. Can you think of a time when fear prevented you from switching from where you are to where you want to be? When has fear held you back? When have you moved past your fear and discovered that whatever costs were involved in making a change were more than worth the investment? You’re invited to join us this winter as we ponder how the switches we make in our lives to more faithfully follow Jesus have the power to bring about real and radical transformation. Come and see how a switch can lead us into the fullness of life in ways that make us want to say “yes” in spite of the costs.

The disciples have been fishing all night without anything to show for their long hours of labor. When Jesus invades one of their vessels, he suggests that they drop their nets in the deep water. Simon points to the empty buckets that might normally be filled with fish, explains how hard they have been working, and still summons the faith to follow Jesus’ lead. It is an action that leads to a complete turn of events—not only for the fishermen and those who depend on their catch—but for Simon Peter who, in the face of glory, is able to see where change is needed in his life. How might we cultivate the courage to change whether it is changing course in our vocation or turning toward Jesus as we (re)discover the fullness of life he offers?

Lee Schriber